
The Governing Body is proud of its relationship with Fairlawn and Haseltine schools and works hard to support the children, headteachers and staff. The present membership of the Governing Body is made up of a cross section of representatives each bringing enthusiasm and experience.

Chair of Governors. Resources Committee / Teaching for Learning Quality Assurance Group / Governor Appraisals / Headteachers’ Pay Committee

Simon Edwards

Governor – Co-opted. Link Governor / Safeguarding / LAC / Online Safety / Teaching for Learning Quality Assurance Group

Ros Tuerk

I am a co-opted governor and a parent of two children of primary school age at the schools.  I am also a social worker and have worked in various clinical and managerial roles for a local mental health Trust over the past 10 years. My current role includes managing staff as well as overseeing all of the operational functions of our teams and ensuring we abide by legal and best practice guidance. My particular passion is around service improvement and ensuring equality of access to people from all groups across the boroughs that my Trust serves. I feel that this matches up well with the school governor role and hope that I can contribute to creating the best possible environment for young people from all backgrounds to learn and develop.

Link Governor for Community Engagement/ Communications and School Websites

Helen Branch

I am a qualified Chartered Accountant working in the media for over 20 years initially in accounting and production management, then for 10 years at Board level overseeing Finance, HR, Legal, Health & Safety, IT, Facilities and Operations. I have set up a consultancy specialising in troubleshooting struggling organisations and facilitating growth.  More recently my social conscience has kicked in and I have taken a Higher Education Certificate in Health and Social Care, become a Trustee of a neonatal baby charity and my day job is now as Head of Finance and Operations and Safeguarding Lead for a child refugee charity. I have grass roots and continued involvement in the PTA and Parent Forum at Fairlawn; both groups are committed to enriching children’s education and relations between parents and teachers.  In my capacity as Link Governor for Community Engagement and Communications I hope to explore those relationships and goals further with both Haseltine and Fairlawn. I understand my role of governor is to to supportively challenge the Federation’s Management team to ensure they are the best they can be.

Elected staff governor / Teaching for Learning link governor / Parental Engagement / Children’s Voice

Tina Jenner

Governor – Co-Opted / Link Governor / Associate Member Resources Committee / Pupil Premium / Schools Websites

Chris Weeks

I’m Chris Weeks, a co-opted member of the Resources Committee. I’ve been working in communications for an international children’s charity for the past ten years, based in the Middle East and Asia for some of that time, before returning to London two years ago. As an adoptive parent, I’m passionate about creating an environment where all children, no matter what their background or start in life, can achieve their full potential.

Governor – Co-opted – Link Gov / Training / Resources / Chair for Teaching and Learning Quality Assurance Group / Early Years

Lucy Radich

I am a local parent who wanted to get involved in the overall running of the school my children attend. I wanted to understand the challenges facing the teachers, how the schools are inclusive to all, how pupils with special needs have these met, how community can support the school and what I can do, both as a parent and a professional, to support the school. 

Elected parent governor – Teaching for Learning / SEND / Inclusion / Headteachers’ Pay Committee / Governor Appraisals

James Evans

Elected parent governor – link governor / Whistleblowing

Zainu Goba

Governor – Co-opted

Shereen Mclaughlin

Elected parent governor / Teaching for Learning Link Governor / Diversity and Inclusion

Astenne Minto

Headteacher – Fairlawn / Resources / Teaching for Learning

Hania Ryans

Headteacher – Haseltine

Sara Anderman

Fairlawn / Haseltine Governors – June 2023
Governors’ Attendance Register 2022-23
Register of interests form

Minutes of the Full Governing Body Meetings are available in the school office

Head Teacher : Ms Hania Ryans

(Contact via School Office)

Chair of Governors : Simon Edwards

Fairlawn Primary School
Honor Oak Road
London SE23 3SB