Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Fairlawn PTA was established as a charity for the purpose of creating a central fundraising entity that supports the education and wellbeing of the pupils and improving the school life for everyone that attends Fairlawn Primary School. 

All teachers, parents, and guardians of children at the school are automatically members of the PTA.

We need YOU to join us and become more involved, to share fundraising ideas and to work together on specific projects.

Please email and we will be in touch.

You can also show your support by signing up to these quick and easy sites

  • Sign up to Amazon SmileEasyfundraising,, and link your account to ‘Fairlawn PTA’. It costs nothing, can be set up in less than a minute, and raises money directly for the PTA.
  • Buy tickets for YourSchoolLottery . Spring is in the air, and it’s time to get active! Your new bolt-on prize is now live – a £500 bike voucher!

Dates for the diary

Saturday 25th June 1pm-4pm
Entrance free

Stalls confirmed include; Bouncy Castle, Hook a Duck, Tombola, Kiddy Crafts, Nail Bar, Human Fruit Machine, BBQ, Pizza Oven, Cakes and summer drinks. Keep an eye out for more activities being added!
Save the date and join us for a fabulous afternoon.

Big Bounce

WELL DONE to all the children for such amazing bouncing! The school was jumping all day. Thank you to everyone for their generous sponsorship of the event, raising £1,781 to-date. There is still time to upload donations at:

Pre-loved sale

Huge thank you to Vicky, Bea and Yasmin for organising the pre loved sale. Feedback from the event was really wonderful, everyone enjoyed meeting Fairlawn families and bagging some great bargains.

Family gardening club

Thanks to all who helped reawaken the gardens on Saturday. Please look out for the next date. All welcome, please do come along and join in.

PTA celebrate World Book Day

To celebrate World Book Day the PTA, in conjunction with the school, are working to expand the class libraries particularly with books promoting diversity and anti-racism issues. We are asking parents to support the PTA by purchasing a book from their child’s class Amazon ‘wish list’. Look out for the link in your email or your class WhatsApp chat or contact your class Rep if you cannot locate. The PTA will also be purchasing some additional resources for the school library.

PTA funding update

The PTA would like express sincere thanks to everyone for your so very GENEROUS support of all fund raising events and activities. The co-chairs met with the school leadership team and are excited to approve the following projects;
School wide resource for PHSE
EYS equipment to help explore race
History resources and artefacts
Forest school discovery equipment
Art workshops
We are also engaging with local contractors for a big project in the outdoor area – more details to follow.

We are pleased to have been able to support funding requests for £150 class budget resources which was amazingly matched by your generous donations.  Other items include forest school storage, KS1 playground equipment and further requests are being considered with the aim to promote and support diversity and to welcome back school trips. Additionally, we are looking forward to supporting world book day, science week and International Mother Language Day plus many other resources and events.

Fundraising in 2020/21

Given the restrictions in place during the year, many of the traditional annual fund-raising events were unable to be held. However, despite this a remarkable £15.3k was raised, notably from the following campaigns: winter term JustGiving class donations, Christmas tree sale, summer term Get set to Tokyo campaign, end of term souvenir tote bag sales and many other much valued donations. The PTA would like to take this opportunity to thank all who donated so generously.

Through this funding, the PTA were able to continue to provide financial support of the school’s activities and resources. During the period approx. £11.3k was spent, of which the majority of this was for the fantastic treehouse and resources for the Golden Garden. Additional funding was provided to support a variety of school requests for materials such as books, crafts etc. During lock-down, the PTA were pleased to fund some virtual activities such as meet the author sessions, storytelling, and trips to the zoo. Finally, at the end of a difficult year the PTA provided Y6 with leaving souvenirs which were much appreciated, and we hope will become an annual tradition.

IT/web design rep

We are in desperate need of someone who can help the PTA with IT/web design related projects. We are looking to set-up an online ticketing system for future events and would sincerely appreciate anyone who could offer help, guidance or support with this.

Get involved

We would absolutely love you to join us and share your huge range of skills, talents, and expertise. There are so many opportunities to support your school and have FUN, whether it be through fund-raising activities, helping organise/run events, or assisting with on-site tasks such as site clearance etc. If you are interested in getting involved or have ideas for fundraising or specific projects, please email or let us know via the school.


  • Co-Chairs: Victoria Thompson-Hill, Anna Chaddock and Philippa Clayton
  • Treasurer: Yvette Moore
  • Communications Lead: Janette Scott

Fairlawn PTA is a Registered Charity Number 1156424

Please read our Code of Conduct here
Please read our Constitution here

Head Teacher : Ms Hania Ryans

(Contact via School Office)

Chair of Governors : Simon Edwards

Fairlawn Primary School
Honor Oak Road
London SE23 3SB